Olivier Bello
Arsenal Modelist

Olivier Bello's model(s) at 1/24th scale
Some Information on the Modeler's Work

Two important techniques were inaugurated for the first time in the construction of the ship(s): The construction concerns two models built simultaneously and painting was used in order to respect the original model of the time.

The 1/24th scale utilized allows the production of considerable detail with acceptable precision, in particular for the fittings and later for the rigging.

In order to avoid the flat look often found on painted models, the colors are obtained from ground pigment mixed with mat clear varnish. In this manner, once an adequate quantity of pigment has been prepared for a certain shade, the same exact shade can be reproduced at any time during construction.

The decoration of l'Aurore is heavily dependent on the use of painted trompe-l'oeil to replace actual carved relief, with the result of providing the modeler with a new kind of challenge!

In general, the wood used is pear. The treenails are mahogany for the hull, deck, forecastle and quarterdeck and calking is represented in walnut.

All blocks are operational, with axle and sheave and the glass utilized for windows is 1/10th mm thick. All the nets used throughout the vessels are hand-made.

This construction has been possible thanks to Gerad Delacroix' 1/36 scale monograph.

When the twins are launched, each will be 1.32m long and 1.06m high.